How to make two build inside one CircleCI configuration? How to make two build inside one CircleCI configuration? docker docker

How to make two build inside one CircleCI configuration?

In two words you should build images for the services you want & push them to the docker hub.

You can do it using commands like

    ...env configuration in your CI...    - DOCKER_ACC=my_account_name    - DOCKER_REPO_DJANGO=django-app    - DOCKER_REPO_REACT=django-app    ... post tests commands ...    - echo $DOCKER_PWD | docker login -u $DOCKER_LOGIN --password-stdin    - docker build -t $DOCKER_ACC/$DOCKER_REPO_DJANGO:latest -f ./path/to/Dockerfile.django .    - docker push $DOCKER_ACC/$DOCKER_REPO_DJANGO:latest    - docker build -t $DOCKER_ACC/$DOCKER_REPO_REACT:latest -f ./path/to/Dockerfile.django .    - docker push $DOCKER_ACC/$DOCKER_REPO_REACT:latest

Where latest you can replace with your branch name, commit tag or etc and build multiple image versions for your app.

Everything depends on you, that's pretty flexible. But you have to do 2 steps - build images & push them. Built images tags should be equal to your github images urls.

Read more at articles like these ones:

If you are building on circleci, you dont have to build from docker compose.You can just add steps to the circleci config (.circleci/config.yml) to build and push your images.The file can look something like that:

version: 2jobs: build:   docker:    - image: docker:19.03.5   working_directory: [YOUR REPO WORKING DIR]   steps:    - checkout    - setup_remote_docker    - run:       name: build frontend       command: docker build -t [FE DOCKER REPO NAME]:tag -f [FE DOCKERFILE PATH] .    - run:       name: build backend       command: docker build -t [BE DOCKER REPO NAME]:tag -f [BE DOCKERFILE PATH] .    - run:       name: push frontend       command: |         docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS         docker push [FE DOCKER REPO NAME]:tag    - run:       name: push backend       command: |         docker login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS         docker push [BE DOCKER REPO NAME]:tag

Note that you'll have to add DOCKER_USER and DOCKER_PASS environment variables to your circleci build settings