How to pass environment variable received from GitHub actions How to pass environment variable received from GitHub actions docker docker

How to pass environment variable received from GitHub actions

I think you are trying to read the wrong environment variable name. GitHub Actions adds INPUT_ to the name of the input variable. So try the following:


From the documentation:

When you specify an input to an action in a workflow file or use a default input value, GitHub creates an environment variable for the input with the name INPUT_. The environment variable created converts input names to uppercase letters and replaces spaces with _ characters.

For example, if a workflow defined the numOctocats and octocatEyeColor inputs, the action code could read the values of the inputs using the INPUT_NUMOCTOCATS and INPUT_OCTOCATEYECOLOR environment variables.

A bit late but for the next one, you can also use the env field :

name: CIon: [push]jobs:  build:runs-on: ubuntu-lateststeps:  - name: Test the GH action    uses: paramt/github-actions-playground@master    env:      test_var: "this is just a test"

which will be included during the creation of your docker and pass without the prefix INPUT_