How to rate-limit upload from docker container? How to rate-limit upload from docker container? docker docker

How to rate-limit upload from docker container?

Thanks to this question I realized that you can run tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 1mbit latency 50ms burst 10000 within a container to set its upload speed to 1 Megabit/s.

Here's an example Dockerfile that demonstrates this by generating a random file and uploading it to /dev/null-as-a-service at an approximate upload speed of 25KB/s:

FROM ubuntu# install dependenciesRUN apt-get updateRUN apt-get install -y iproute curl# create a large random file to uploadRUN head -c 2M </dev/urandom > / rate-limit the network interface and# upload the data when docker image is runRUN echo "#!/bin/bash" >> /upload.shRUN echo "tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 25kbps latency 50ms burst 2500" >> /upload.shRUN echo "curl -d @/" >> /upload.shRUN chmod a+x /upload.shENTRYPOINT exec /

Assuming that you have this Dockerfile inside of a directory called ratelimit that is in your current working directory, you can run it with:

docker build ratelimit -t ratelimit && docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN ratelimit

The option --cap-add=NET_ADMIN gives the container permission to modify its network interface. You can find the documentation here.

The Dockerfile first installs the dependencies that it needs. iproute provides the tc tool, and curl allows us to make the request that we rate-limit. After installing our dependencies, we generate a 2MB random file to upload. The next section builds a script file that will configure the rate-limit and start an upload. Finally, we specify that script as the action to take when the container is run.

This container adds a Token Bucket Filter to the network interface to slow down the connection to 25KB/s. The documentation of the options provided to the Token Bucker Filter can be found here.

This Dockerfile could be modified to perform any other network task by removing the call to cURL and performing the upload in its place (after installing whatever tools the upload requires, of course).