how to run a command in host before entering docker container in github ci how to run a command in host before entering docker container in github ci docker docker

how to run a command in host before entering docker container in github ci

If the running machine configuration is important for the build, try using self-hosted runner.

  1. You can create VM in some of the cloud providers (ex. AWS, Azure, etc.) and register it with GitHub-CI.
  2. Install the GitHub-CI service
  3. Install all the utilities you need
  4. Register the runner to the repository
  5. Change the build script for run-on to point to the self-hoster runner

You can find more information in the GitHub-CI Docs

You could run only a step in the container instead of the whole job. Something like:

on: [push]jobs:  update-aur:    runs-on: ubuntu-latest    steps:      - run: sudo apt-get install ...      - uses: docker://archlinux        with:          entrypoint: /usr/bin/bash          args: -c 'pacman --noconfirm -Syu && pacman --noconfirm -S base-devel'

I don't know if it's practical in your case since you probably want to run a bunch of steps afterward in the same container. In any case you can find more info on the running steps in containers here and the different options available here