How to run an electron app on docker How to run an electron app on docker docker docker

How to run an electron app on docker

I will try to help you here in this answer - too long for comment.

I tried your Docker file on my Win10 and with the same problems. But I figured it out by adding required packages and successfully created docker image. Here is Dockerfile

   FROM node:slim   COPY . /usr/scr/app   #RUN rm   RUN apt-get update   # I think you need to install following    RUN apt-get -y install libgtkextra-dev libgconf2-dev libnss3 libasound2 libxtst-dev libxss1   RUN npm install --save-dev electron   RUN npm install   CMD ["/usr/scr/app/"]

and here is your

   #!/bin/sh   ./node_modules/.bin/electron ./src

Actually I don't have access to your files and so on, but with this DockerFile was able to create docker image without problems. I also went inside docker container and check whether is possible to run electron - worked.

If you want to go into container, you just need to build docker image. I have done it by (simplest way) following command (open console where Dockerfile is located and run):

   docker build -t test-image .

After Successfully build of image you can run container. If any problems I recommend you to run container with bash entrypoint and debug what fails - bash will open in the same console where you type following script)

   docker run -it test-image bash

I've found this question useful, finally I've came up with this article to make it even easier:

Hope, you find it useful too.