How to set environment variables in Dockerfile via Azure DevOps How to set environment variables in Dockerfile via Azure DevOps docker docker

How to set environment variables in Dockerfile via Azure DevOps

You can set an ARG var_name and reference ENV to the ARG variables. Then you can replace those variables when docker build the image $ docker build --build-arg var_name=$(VARIABLE_NAME)

For example the add ARG in dockerfile, and have the ENV variable refer to it:


You can use dock build task and dock push task separately, as buildandpush command cannot accept arguments. And set a variable SECRET in your pipeline.

enter image description here

The set the Build Arguments SECRET= $(SECRET) to replace the ARG SECRET

enter image description here

You can also refer to a similar thread.

I am using the Replace Tokens extension for exactly tasks like this:

However, putting secrets into your Dockerfile might not be the best idea. Usually you would provide secrets or generally runtime configuration as environment variables when you actually execute the container.

I suggest to set the environment variables at runtime. If you are deploying to an Azure App Service, app settings are injected into the process as environment variables automatically.

You can then use the same image for multiple environments. With the Deploy Azure App Service task in a release pipeline, you can change the app settings for each environment.