How to specify commandline arguments to a docker container in Azure Service Fabric How to specify commandline arguments to a docker container in Azure Service Fabric docker docker

How to specify commandline arguments to a docker container in Azure Service Fabric

If I am not mistaken the <ContainerHostEntryPointType>/<Commands> in the element is what you are looking for.

As per ServiceManifest.xml schema:

Pass a comma delimited list of commands to the container.

The schema excerpt:

<xs:complexType xmlns:xs="" xmlns="" name="ContainerHostEntryPointType"><xs:sequence>  <!--container image name-->  <xs:element name="ImageName" type="xs:string">    <xs:annotation>      <xs:documentation>The repo and image on or Azure Container Registry.</xs:documentation>    </xs:annotation>  </xs:element>  <!--comma delimited list of commands for container-->  <xs:element name="Commands" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">    <xs:annotation>      <xs:documentation>Pass a comma delimited list of commands to the container.</xs:documentation>    </xs:annotation>  </xs:element>  <xs:element name="EntryPoint" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>  <xs:element name="FromSource" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/></xs:sequence>

As Oleg has explained correctly, you have to specify your parameters in the ServiceManifest.xml alongside the container image name in the <Commands> element.

What gave me troubles was correctly passing an argument with its value(s). What I found out is Service Fabric will wrap your commands into double quotes if a whitespace is present. In this case you have to replace the whitespaces with commas.

For example, I have a custom Dockerfile with the following entrypoint definition in exec format:

ENTRYPOINT ["redis-server.exe", "C:\\Redis\\redis.docker.conf"]

I wanted to pass --slaveof my-redis-master-instance 6379 as an argument to my docker container (where 6379 is the port of the master). The following service manifest would result in an error:

<EntryPoint>  <ContainerHost>    <ImageName></ImageName>    <Commands>--slaveof my-redis-master-instance 6379</Commands>  </ContainerHost></EntryPoint>

The reason is Service Fabric does wrap the command into quotes and then passes this to the docker image where it is interpreted as a single argument and causes an error.

Like already explained above, the solution is to replace the whitespaces with commas. Now Service Fabric passes the arguments separately.

<EntryPoint>  <ContainerHost>    <ImageName></ImageName>    <Commands>--slaveof,my-redis-master-instance,6379</Commands>  </ContainerHost></EntryPoint>

For clarification, in my case I used Service Fabric for Windows with Containers based on Nanoserver 1803.