IIS and .NET with Docker on Mac IIS and .NET with Docker on Mac docker docker

IIS and .NET with Docker on Mac

The answer is complicated:

  1. If you're running on Macs, you need Linux containers. You can't run Windows containers.

  2. There is NO Linux container version of IIS, only Windows container versions:https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/iis/

  3. You can use .NET Core in Linux containers https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/dotnet/

  4. You can use NodeJS in Linux containers https://hub.docker.com/_/node/

  5. There are NodeJS and .NET Core modules for using TSQL

If you need each developer to have access to IIS and/or features that are in .NET 4.5 (instead of .NET Core) then you would need another way to do it. If people can test on a Windows 2016 Server somewhere, then you could do it.