image is being used by stopped container image is being used by stopped container docker docker

image is being used by stopped container

You can also use --force , -f Force removal of the image

If you use the -f flag and specify the image’s short or long ID, thenthis command untags and removes all images that match the specifiedID.

  docker rmi -f <image_id> 

Note: this command removes images being used by containers.

You need to delete the stopped container with docker rm, and then you can delete the image it uses with docker rmi.

You may also find that you have stopped containers that are causing the lock. Remove these first using:

docker rm  $(docker ps -q -a)

Here we are listing the docker processes by just the ID and then removing those; however, docker rm will only remove stopped containers.

Next go back and remove the images using:

docker image rm <image_id>