Importing keycloak configuration files while using docker-compose Importing keycloak configuration files while using docker-compose docker docker

Importing keycloak configuration files while using docker-compose


First you need to copy the file into your container before you can import it into Keycloak. You could place your realm-export.json in a folder next to the docker-compose.yml, lets say we call it imports. This can be achieved using volumes:. Once the file has been copied into the container then you can use command: as you were before, pointing at the correct file within the container.

File Structure

|-- docker-compose.yml
|-- imports -> realm-export.json


This is how the docker-compose.yml should look with the changes:

postgres:    image: postgres    volumes:      - postgres_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data    environment:      POSTGRES_DB: keycl0ak      POSTGRES_USER: keycl0ak      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password    ports:      - 5431:5431  keycloak:    build:      context: services/keycloak    volumes:      - ./imports:/opt/jboss/keycloak/imports    command:       - "-b -Dkeycloak.import=/opt/jboss/keycloak/imports/realm-export.json"    environment:      DB_VENDOR: POSTGRES      DB_ADDR: postgres      DB_DATABASE: keycl0ak      DB_USER: keycl0ak      DB_PASSWORD: password      KEYCLOAK_USER: administrat0r      KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: asc88a8c0ssssqs    ports:      - 8080:8080    depends_on:      - postgresvolumes:    postgres_data:      driver: local

To wrap up the answer of @JesusBenito and @raujonas, the docker-compose could be changed, so that you make use of the keyloak environment KEYCLOAK_IMPORT:

keycloak:    volumes:      - ./imports:/opt/jboss/keycloak/imports    # command: not needed anymore    #  - "-b -Dkeycloak.import=/opt/jboss/keycloak/imports/realm-export.json"    environment:      KEYCLOAK_IMPORT: /opt/jboss/keycloak/imports/realm-export.json -Dkeycloak.profile.feature.upload_scripts=enabled                DB_VENDOR: POSTGRES      DB_ADDR: postgres      DB_DATABASE: keycl0ak      DB_USER: keycl0ak      DB_PASSWORD: password      KEYCLOAK_USER: administrat0r      KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD: asc88a8c0ssssqs