Importing test library 'SSHLibrary' fails with the ImportError "Importing Paramiko library failed. Make sure you have Paramiko installed." Importing test library 'SSHLibrary' fails with the ImportError "Importing Paramiko library failed. Make sure you have Paramiko installed." docker docker

Importing test library 'SSHLibrary' fails with the ImportError "Importing Paramiko library failed. Make sure you have Paramiko installed."

This is an incompatibility between the Python interpreter and paramiko c-extension. See for details

You have to either

  • install a different Python version
  • or build and install paramiko from sources, instead of using pip

Windows:Download the

and run the exe.then in command prompt execute python -c "import SSHLibrary" execution of this command shouldn't report any messages

Faced same issue when I try to import SSHLibrary in Python 2.7. Paramiko uses enum package. The problem is that the enum package wasn't added to Python until version 3.4.

It has been back ported in lower versions of Python you just need the package from here:

or try

"pip install enum" to get the issue resolved.