increase docker ram to install sentry server on linux increase docker ram to install sentry server on linux docker docker

increase docker ram to install sentry server on linux

I write my answer maybe help to someone!

1 - I pull busybox first:

$ docker pull  busybox Using default tag: latestlatest: Pulling from library/busybox5f5dd3e95e9f: Pull complete Digest: sha256:9f1c79411e054199210b4d489ae600a061595967adb643cd923f8515ad8123d2Status: Downloaded newer image for$ sudo docker run --rm busybox free -m 2              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   availableMem:          16009        2176       11539         208        2293       13350Swap:          8191           0        8191alt@mx-alt:~

2- ./
