Installing packages into ubuntu14.04 docker container Installing packages into ubuntu14.04 docker container docker docker

Installing packages into ubuntu14.04 docker container

So, I had a look at the code for invoke-rd.d and found this relevant snippet.

# If we're running on upstart and there's an upstart job of this name, do# the rest with upstart instead of calling the init script.if which initctl >/dev/null && initctl version | grep -q upstart \   && [ -e "$UPSTARTDIR/${INITSCRIPTID}.conf" ]then    is_upstart=1elif test ! -f "${INITDPREFIX}${INITSCRIPTID}" ; then    ## Verifies if the given initscript ID is known    ## For sysvinit, this error is critical    printerror unknown initscript, ${INITDPREFIX}${INITSCRIPTID} not found.    if [ ! -e "$UPSTARTDIR/${INITSCRIPTID}.conf" ]; then        # If the init script doesn't exist, but the upstart job does, we        # defer the error exit; we might be running in a chroot and        # policy-rc.d might say not to start the job anyway, in which case        # we don't want to exit non-zero.        exit 100    fifi

A combination of docker replacing the init system, the inability to use upstart in an ubuntu docker container and the ubuntu package for cgroup-lite being built for upstart meant dpkg --configure was failing as the service couldn't be started.