Is it possible to run flask in a single process? (to work around apparent issue with ipdb & Docker ttys) Is it possible to run flask in a single process? (to work around apparent issue with ipdb & Docker ttys) docker docker

Is it possible to run flask in a single process? (to work around apparent issue with ipdb & Docker ttys)

To make flask run in single processer use the below

if __name__ == '__main__':, processes=1)

Using the flask application works on a single synchronous process.

That can only handle one request at a time.

If you want to deal with any parallel requests should wait until they can be handled then use this:, port=PORT, threaded=True)

Did you tried the "--no-debugger" arguments?
If you have DEBUG environment variable flask create a debugger process.

flask run --host= --without-threads --no-debugger