Is there a way to debug the PostCreateCommand in VSCode Devcontainers? Is there a way to debug the PostCreateCommand in VSCode Devcontainers? docker docker

Is there a way to debug the PostCreateCommand in VSCode Devcontainers?

I think that one cause may be that the user does not have enough permissions to even execute the apt-get update command.

Changing the remoteUser to root, in the devcontainer.json configuration file should allow to execute the shell script successfully when running it using bash.

  • I've tried it using the python:3.8-slim-buster Docker image, having set a non-root user in the Dockerfile.

  • I've added the following to the ./.devcontainer/devcontainer.json:

    "postCreateCommand": "bash ./.devcontainer/","remoteUser": "root",
  • I've used the following ./.devcontainer/

    #!/usr/bin/env bashset -exapt-get update && apt-get install -y man git && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*pip install --requirement ./.devcontainer/dev_pip_requirements.txt

Generally, root is not recommended for production environments.

Here is a little more information about postCreateCommand