Is -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 safe for production in a containered environment? Is -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 safe for production in a containered environment? docker docker

Is -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 safe for production in a containered environment?

We did some simple testing which showed that setting -XX:MaxRAM=$QUOTA and -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 results in killed containers under load. The JVM allocates more than 900M heap, which is way too much. -XX:MaxRAMFraction=2 seems safe(ish).

Keep in mind that you may want to leave headroom for other processes like getting a debug shell (docker exec) or diagnostics in the container.

Edit: we've written up what we've learned in detail in an article. Money quotes:

TL'DR:Java memory management and configuration is still complex. Although the JVM can read cgroup memory limits and adapt memory usage accordingly since Java 9/8u131, it’s not a golden bullet. You need to know what -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap does and you need to fine tune some parameters for every deployment. Otherwise you risk wasting resources and money or getting your containers killed at the worst time possible. -XX:MaxRAMFraction=1 is especially dangerous. Java 10+ brings a lot of improvements but still needs manual configuration. To be safe, load test your stuff.


The most elegant solution is to upgrade to Java 10+. Java 10 deprecates -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap (11) and introduces -XX:+UseContainerSupport (12), which supersedes it. It also introduces -XX:MaxRAMPercentage (13) which takes a value between 0 and 100. This allows fine grained control of the amount of RAM the JVM is allowed to allocate. Since +UseContainerSupport is enabled by default, everything should work out of the box.

Edit #2: we've written a little bit more about -XX:+UseContainerSupport

Java 10 introduced +UseContainerSupport (enabled by default) which makes the JVM use sane defaults in a container environment. This feature is backported to Java 8 since 8u191, potentially allowing a huge percentage of Java deployments in the wild to properly configure their memory.

The recent oracle-jdk-8(8u191) brings the following options to allow Docker container users to gain more fine grained control over the amount of system memory that will be used for the Java Heap:


Three new JVM options have been added to allow Docker container users to gain more fine grained control over the amount of system memory that will be used for the Java Heap:

-XX:InitialRAMPercentage -XX:MaxRAMPercentage -XX:MinRAMPercentage These options replace the deprecated Fraction forms (-XX:InitialRAMFraction, -XX:MaxRAMFraction, and -XX:MinRAMFraction).
