Issue sending traces from a docker container to a Jaeger docker container running in a VM Issue sending traces from a docker container to a Jaeger docker container running in a VM docker docker

Issue sending traces from a docker container to a Jaeger docker container running in a VM

Thanks Yuri. Yes it was a clock issue.Although the host machine (VM) updated its clock on every unpause, docker for windows did not. The timezones were correct for all containers but the times were all out by the exact same amount. This must be the docker internal clock that seems to only get updated once on launch and not at the launch of every new container. Although all container clocks were out by the same amount, the windows host machine was correct. The messages were arriving but the times/dates were outside the time frame window the UI was displaying. If I set a custom date range I'm sure they would appear. The containers must have been out by a few days with the continual stopping and starting and not by just a few hours.

Time drift in docker is a known issue on Mac and Windows OS.

Check the date/time in a docker container using this (apologies in advance)

( ConvertFrom-Json (docker system info --format '{{json .}}') ).SystemTime

or calculate the drift...

(Get-Date -DisplayHint DateTime) - [DateTime]( ConvertFrom-Json (docker system info --format '{{json .}}') ).SystemTime

Unfortunately there doesnt seem to be a better solution than occasionally restarting the container.