Jenkins + Docker [closed] Jenkins + Docker [closed] docker docker

Jenkins + Docker [closed]

It is a very good approach. You did already answer your own question. So it's clear for you that this is an approach which Docker supports.

A hint: When you also want to host your application (perhaps at a later stage), than it's recommended to use OpenShift V3 of Red Hat Docu.

This platform is also working with Docker. It's possible to run Jenkins in a Docker container. You can configure this Jenkins to perform build-test-deploy of your own application. Your application will be deployed in another Docker container. It's possible to use webhooks, scale your application and ensure High Availability of it.

Using Jenkins with Python and Git on Docker

This was a problem I faced and I thought I'd try to solve it robustly. Jenkins is great but when you want to move it to another system you realize how much baggage you created by installing one service after the other that it relies on. To decouple this with Docker is a great choice but the barebones one that Jenkins makes is just that, very barebones.


My article explaining the dockerfile as well as how to use or extend it

I mention how to extend it near the end but the explicit solution would be to change the line I mentioned from:

ENV BASE_APKS="sudo openssl openssh-client zip ttf-dejavu maven ruby" \ 


ENV BASE_APKS="sudo openssl openssh-client zip ttf-dejavu maven ruby python" \ 

And then rebuild using

docker build -t mycompany/jenkins .