Jenkins Docker Pipeline Exit Code -1 Jenkins Docker Pipeline Exit Code -1 docker docker

Jenkins Docker Pipeline Exit Code -1

Looks to be related to your image not having ps installed. I just took the debian base and was able to replicate that it wouldn't work. Installed ps, and it did work. You can also use the withRun function and it works. Here's my Jenkinsfile:

node("docker") {    // Weezy that also ran... apt-get update && apt-get install -y procps    def wheezy_image = docker.image("smalone/weezy-ps-test")    wheezy_image.pull()    wheezy_image.inside {       sh 'sleep 2'    }      // Base image for weezy-ps-test that has no ps installed using withRun() instead of inside()    wheezy_image = docker.image("debian:wheezy")    wheezy_image.pull()    wheezy_image.withRun { c ->       sh 'sleep 2'    }    // Base image for weezy-ps-test that has no ps installed    wheezy_image = docker.image("debian:wheezy")    wheezy_image.pull()    wheezy_image.inside {       sh 'sleep 2'    }}

I'll open a ticket on the docker pipeline plugin, if one doesn't exist.

EDIT: There was a ticket open, but they hadn't found the root cause yet. See: to track the status of this issue!