Jira & Docker & Traefik Setup Jira & Docker & Traefik Setup docker docker

Jira & Docker & Traefik Setup

Configuration I got working with apps over secure - not super intuitive, but it looks like it accepts redirects secure traffic properly. I've got mine using acme on godaddy for certs, and it appears to be functioning properly over https with a forced recirect:

Forced redirect for reference:

[entryPoints]  [entryPoints.http]  address = ":80"    [entryPoints.http.redirect]    entryPoint = "https"  [entryPoints.https]  address = ":443"    [entryPoints.https.tls]

And the dockerfile that I made to get things deployed properly:

version: '3'services:  jira:    image: dchevell/jira-software:8.1.0    deploy:      restart_policy:        condition: on-failure      labels:        - traefik.frontend.rule=Host:jira.mydomain.com        - traefik.enable=true        - traefik.port=8080    ports:      - "8080"    networks:      - traefik-pub      - jiranet    environment:      - CATALINA_CONNECTOR_PROXYNAME=jira.mydomain.com      - CATALINA_CONNECTOR_PROXYPORT=443      - CATALINA_CONNECTOR_SCHEME=https      - CATALINA_CONNECTOR_SECURE=true   jira-postgresql:    image: postgres:11.2-alpine    networks:      - jiranet    ports:      - "5432"      volumes:      - jira-postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data    environment:      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=supersecret      - POSTGRES_USER=secret_user      - POSTGRES_DB=jira_db    labels:      - "traefik.enable=false"      volumes:  jira-postgres-data:networks:  traefik-pub:    external: true  jiranet:    driver: overlay

This still required manual configuration of the database - I may one day take the time to build my own jira dockerfile that accepts the database config already, but with this one working, I don't see much point in pre-configuring the database connection when it's 20 seconds of extra work vs. rebuilding a dockerfile that I haven't written myself.