JVM Optimizations for Docker and DC/OS JVM Optimizations for Docker and DC/OS docker docker

JVM Optimizations for Docker and DC/OS

Just for future reference:

We are using JDK 8 and it seems as if Oracle has just recently added some experimental flags for using Docker. I believe the case could have been when GC was allocating threads it wasn't respecting the docker thread count from cgroup. The experimental flags seemed to have fixed our "off the rails issue"


Usually you would like to avoid this gigantic applications with > 30GB of memory and split your application into smaller parts with less memory requirements if you have the possibility to use a container platform like DC/OS.

In general about GC and heap size: If you have big heap sizes, full GC can take a long time. Personally I experienced full GC freezes up to a minute or more with a quite similar heap size to your mentioned 30GB.

About Java in containers: The JVM actually needs more memory than you configure with -Xmx. So, if you specify a memory limit of 2GB within your DC/OS (Marathon) application, you can not set -Xmx2G, because this memory restriction is a hard limitation. If your process inside the container will exceed these memory limit, the container will be killed. By the fact that the JVM will reserve temporary more memory than in -Xmx configured, this is really likely to happen. In general I would suggest to use around 75% of your configured memory as value for -Xmx.

You could have a look at newer JRE versions, which support -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimits. This is a JRE flag to use cgroup container limitations for memory consumption, see https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/04/04/openjdk-and-containers/ for more informations.