Keycloak Docker behind loadbalancer with https fails Keycloak Docker behind loadbalancer with https fails docker docker

Keycloak Docker behind loadbalancer with https fails

I know this is an older question, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer anywhere and I wanted to share my solution. This eventually worked for me in an AWS Environment with an Application Load Balancer:

Run the keycloak docker container with the environment variable PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING=true

As seen in the keycloak docker documentation:

When running Keycloak behind a proxy, you will need to enable proxy address forwarding.

I don't know A10, but you have to ensure that it sets the request headers X-Forwarded-For and X-Forwarded-Proto.Then you have to configure Keycloak (Wildfly, Undertow) to work together with the SSL terminating reverse proxy (aka load balancer).See for a detailed description.