kibana not starting getting error during startup kibana not starting getting error during startup docker docker

kibana not starting getting error during startup

The dockerfile you're using seems to be building an image from a basic license Kibana download (which includes X-Pack) and then manually removing the x-pack directory. When plugins, such as the ones located in the x-pack directory, are disabled, Kibana needs to rebuild all javascript bundles. This process, known as the optimizer is very memory intensive and depends on the size of the code base, so the amount of memory required can change between releases.

There's a few options:

  1. You could try to build your file from a OSS Kibana release, this doesn't include the x-pack plugins and shouldn't require a rebuild of javascript bundles
  2. Allocate more memory, 4GB should be enough.
  3. Build an intermediate image with at least 4GB memory. After having been built, running the image shouldn't require such high memory usage anymore.