cannot open shared object file cannot open shared object file docker docker cannot open shared object file

You're installing libicu 4.8, but the requested shared library is libicu 52. So you will need to either install the libicu52 package instead (if available) or download a prebuilt binary (or source code and compile) from here.

As @mscdex has pointed out, libicu was looking for the libicu52 package. Somehow the repository got updated allowing me to pull the new libicu which depends on libicu52 that isn't available in the repository of 12.04, but in 14.04. Since there is no official trusted build of 14.04 in the docker registry, I made my own "base" ubuntu14.04 docker image which starts with 13.10 and upgrades to 14.04;

FROM ubuntu:saucyENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive# Work around initramfs-tools running on kernel 'upgrade': <    bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=594189>ENV INITRD No# Update OS.RUN sed -i 's/saucy/trusty/g' /etc/apt/sources.listRUN apt-get update -yRUN apt-get upgrade -yRUN apt-get dist-upgrade -y# Install basic packages.RUN apt-get install -y software-properties-commonRUN apt-get install -y curl git htop unzip vim wget# Add files.ADD root/.bashrc /root/.bashrcADD root/.gitconfig /root/.gitconfigADD root/scripts /root/scriptsRUN apt-get clean# Set working directory.ENV HOME /rootWORKDIR /rootCMD ["/bin/bash"]

Then in the Dockerfile of my worker, I installed libicu52 instead of libicu48 thus fixing all issues