Logging from Docker Logging from Docker docker docker

Logging from Docker

As suggested by @Robert in the comments the solution is to run bundle commands as part of the CMD in the docker-compose file:

The api service in my compose file thus becomes:

api:    image: pt-rails    env_file: .env.dev    networks:      - phototankswarm    command: >      sh -c '      bundle exec sidekiq -d -L /dev/stdout && bundle exec rails s -p 3000 -b        '    volumes:      - /Users/martinhinge/Pictures/docker/phototank:/media/phototank      - ./backend:/usr/src/app    ports:      - "3000:3000"    depends_on:      - db      - redis      - syslog    logging:      driver: syslog      options:        syslog-facility: "daemon"        tag: "rails"        syslog-address: "tcp://localhost:5514"