Mapping hbase ports for phoenix Mapping hbase ports for phoenix docker docker

Mapping hbase ports for phoenix

Apparently standalone mode by implementation can't have fixed ports. Using pseudo-distributed mode but without HDFS seems to fix it.

<property>  <name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name>  <value>true</value></property>

Then manualy start 3 deamons

CMD start zookeeper    && \ start regionserver && \ foreground_start master

Also, adding these 2 properties fix the problem with /etc/hosts

<property>  <name>hbase.master.hostname</name>  <value>localhost</value></property><property>  <name>hbase.regionserver.hostname</name>  <value>localhost</value></property>

P.S. Still can't connect with phoenix, but that seems to be a completely different problem.

P.S. Actually it was related. Also need to add

<property>  <name>hbase.master.ipc.address</name>  <value></value></property><property>  <name>hbase.regionserver.ipc.address</name>  <value></value></property>