Mesosphere local development Mesosphere local development docker docker

Mesosphere local development

Sneak Peak

Mesosphere is actively working on improving the developer experience surrounding DCOS. Part of that effort includes work on a local development cluster to aid application, service, and DCOS package developers. However, the solution is not quite ready for prime time yet. We have begun giving early access to select DCOS Enterprise Edition customers tho. If you'd like to hear more about that, please talk to your sales representative or contact sales through our web site:

Public Tools

That said, there are many different tools already available that can help when developing Mesos frameworks or Marathon applications.


Update 2017-08-03

The two currently recommended local development options for DC/OS are:

I think there's not "the" solution... I guess every company will try to work out the best way to find a fit with their development processes.

My company for example is not using DCOS, but a normal Mesos cluster with clustered Marathon and Chronos schedulers. We have three environments, each running CoreOS and Mesos/Marathon (in different versions, to be able to test against version upgrades etc.):

  • Local Vagrant clusters for our developers for local development/testing (can be configured to use different CoreOS/Mesos/Marathon versions based on the user_data files)
  • A test cluster (virtualized, latest CoreOS beta, latest Mesos/Marathon/Chronos)
  • A production cluster (bare metal, latest CoreOS stable, currently Mesos 0.25.0 and Marathon 0.14.1)

Our build cycle uses a build server (TeamCity in our case, Jenkins etc. should also work fine) which builds the Docker images and pushed them to our private Docker repository. The images are tagged automatically in this process.

We also have to possibility to automatically launch them via Marathon API calls to the cluster defined in the build itself, or they can be deployed manually by the developers. The updated Docker images are thereby pulled from our private Docker repository (make sure to use "forcePullImage": true to get the latest version if you don't use specific image tags).
