Mono TLS1.2 issues - btls-cert-sync "command not found" Mono TLS1.2 issues - btls-cert-sync "command not found" docker docker

Mono TLS1.2 issues - btls-cert-sync "command not found"

btls-cert-sync is a shell script for btls-cert-sync.exe

Find btls-cert-sync.exe, normally installed in 4.8.0/lib/mono/4.8 and run it with mono:

mono btls-cert-sync.exe

As of mono 4.8 beta 3, btls-cert-sync seems to have been merged into cert-sync.

Do make sure that you have an up-to-date version of cert-sync as it is possible to get old versions of cert-sync still installed even if you have updated mono because the ca-certificates-mono package has not been updated (Linux).

If you look at the cert-sync output you will see

Mono Certificate Store Sync - version into legacy system store:...Importing into BTLS system store:...