Multiple aerospike nodes on docker Multiple aerospike nodes on docker docker docker

Multiple aerospike nodes on docker

You could use a multicast heartbeat configuration and get a small cluster of aerospike nodes running on a single machine.

Here are the steps I used:

1) Get the latest Dockerfile from the aerospike repo

git clone

2) Modify the heartbeat section and use multicast:

    heartbeat {            mode multicast            multicast-group            port 9918            interval 150            timeout 10    }

3) Build image and cluster with either docker-compose or custom script.

I used the following custom bash shell script:

cat docker build -t "aerospike/aerospike-server" .for i in {3..9} ; doecho $i;docker stop aerospike${i}docker rm aerospike${i}docker run -tid --name aerospike${i} -p ${i}000:3000 -p ${i}001:3001 -p ${i}002:3002 -p ${i}003:3003 aerospike/aerospike-serverdone;

and run:

 ./ Sending build context to Docker daemon  12.8 kBStep 1/10 : FROM ubuntu:xenial ---> 2fa927b5cdd3Step 2/10 : ENV AEROSPIKE_VERSION 3.12.1 ---> Using cache ---> f9740fe0e5b5Step 3/10 : ENV AEROSPIKE_SHA256 16ceb0d131892c3caab31ee031f7e37d7a611c22686fec2692facde87ac69a00 ---> Using cache ---> 5e7fbc820f7aStep 4/10 : RUN apt-get update -y   && apt-get install -y wget python python-argparse python-bcrypt python-openssl logrotate net-tools iproute2 iputils-ping   && wget "${AEROSPIKE_VERSION}/aerospike-server-community-${AEROSPIKE_VERSION}-ubuntu16.04.tgz" -O aerospike-server.tgz   && echo "$AEROSPIKE_SHA256 *aerospike-server.tgz" | sha256sum -c -   && mkdir aerospike   && tar xzf aerospike-server.tgz --strip-components=1 -C aerospike   && dpkg -i aerospike/aerospike-server-*.deb   && dpkg -i aerospike/aerospike-tools-*.deb   && mkdir -p /var/log/aerospike/   && mkdir -p /var/run/aerospike/   && rm -rf aerospike-server.tgz aerospike /var/lib/apt/lists/*   && dpkg -r wget ca-certificates   && dpkg --purge wget ca-certificates   && apt-get purge -y ---> Using cache ---> a1d797e088faStep 5/10 : COPY aerospike.conf /etc/aerospike/aerospike.conf ---> Using cache ---> 7bb9f5326c7bStep 6/10 : COPY / ---> Using cache ---> 345534f6c3b8Step 7/10 : VOLUME /opt/aerospike/data ---> Using cache ---> 3f07a5e4b113Step 8/10 : EXPOSE 3000 3001 3002 3003 ---> Using cache ---> e081dff6a725Step 9/10 : ENTRYPOINT / ---> Using cache ---> 923ff0299e70Step 10/10 : CMD asd ---> Using cache ---> a05c71468897Successfully built 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

5) Verify cluster info :

Use docker exec to run asadm tool

docker exec -ti aerospike7 asadmAerospike Interactive Shell, version 0.1.9Found 7 nodesOnline:,,,,,,> Admin> info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Network Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             Node               Node                Ip      Build   Cluster            Cluster     Cluster         Principal   Rackaware   Client     Uptime                   .                 Id                 .          .      Size                Key   Integrity                 .        Mode    Conns          .     BB9020011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             7   00:06:03     BB9030011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             8   00:06:02     BB9040011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             8   00:06:00     BB9050011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             6   00:05:58     BB9070011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none            10   00:05:55     *BB9080011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             6   00:05:52   6168421deffe:3000   BB9060011AC4202   C-3.12.1         7   8DBD43898C508D41   True        BB9080011AC4202   none             8   00:05:56   Number of rows: 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace                Node   Avail%   Evictions                 Master                Replica     Repl     Stop             Pending       Disk    Disk     HWM        Mem     Mem    HWM      Stop           .                   .        .           .   (Objects,Tombstones)   (Objects,Tombstones)   Factor   Writes            Migrates       Used   Used%   Disk%       Used   Used%   Mem%   Writes%           .                   .        .           .                      .                      .        .        .             (tx,rx)          .       .       .          .       .      .         .   test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test     99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test        6168421deffe:3000   99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test                                       0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )                        (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B                    0.000 B                             Number of rows: 8

Note: Tools like AMC or asadm , may not be able to see the full cluster if running outside of a docker container on the host machine. In such use case, you may need to try a docker host network and different listening ports in aerospike.conf or the alternative is to run AMC in a container.

6) If using --network=host then you will need to modify the listening ports in aerospike.conf. Each instance running on the same host with same ip address should use a different port when using host network.


cat docker build -t "aerospike/aerospike-server" .for i in {6..9} ; doecho $i;docker stop aerospike${i}docker rm aerospike${i}docker run -tid --name aerospike${i} -v /root/docker/aerospike-server.docker/aerospike${i}:/etc/aerospike --network host -p ${i}000:${i}000 -p ${i}001:${i}001 -p ${i}002:${i}002 -p ${i}003:${i}003 aerospike/aerospike-serverdone;

Sample config directory and file:

cat aerospike7/aerospike.conf # Aerospike database configuration file.# This stanza must come first.service {    user root    group root    paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.    pidfile /var/run/aerospike/    service-threads 4    transaction-queues 4    transaction-threads-per-queue 4    proto-fd-max 15000}logging {    # Log file must be an absolute path.    file /var/log/aerospike/aerospike.log {        context any info    }    # Send log messages to stdout    console {        context any info     }}network {    service {        # Add interface name for network card used by host        address br0         # Modify port to be used by your aerospike container        port 7000        # Uncomment the following to set the `access-address` parameter to the        # IP address of the Docker host. This will the allow the server to correctly        # publish the address which applications and other nodes in the cluster to        # use when addressing this node.        # access-address <IPADDR>    }    heartbeat {            mode multicast            multicast-group            port 9918        interval 150        timeout 10    }    fabric {        # Modify port to be used by your aerospike container        port 7001    }    info {        # Modify port to be used by your aerospike container        port 7003    }}namespace test {    replication-factor 2    memory-size 1G    default-ttl 5d # 5 days, use 0 to never expire/evict.    #   storage-engine memory    # To use file storage backing, comment out the line above and use the    # following lines instead.    storage-engine device {        file /opt/aerospike/data/test.dat        filesize 4G        data-in-memory true # Store data in memory in addition to file.    }}

asadm output:

asadm -p 7000Aerospike Interactive Shell, version 0.1.9Found 4 nodesOnline:,,,> info~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Network Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                     Node                Node                     Ip      Build   Cluster            Cluster     Cluster          Principal   Rackaware   Client     Uptime                           .                  Id                      .          .      Size                Key   Integrity                  .        Mode    Conns          .   node.local:6000   177160DE04CA0568   C-3.12.1         4   5009B1D835FA3C06   True        232960DE04CA0568   none             3   00:28:37   node.local:7000   1B5960DE04CA0568   C-3.12.1         4   5009B1D835FA3C06   True        232960DE04CA0568   none             3   00:28:34   node.local:8000   1F4160DE04CA0568   C-3.12.1         4   5009B1D835FA3C06   True        232960DE04CA0568   none             3   00:28:30   node.local:9000   *232960DE04CA0568   C-3.12.1         4   5009B1D835FA3C06   True        232960DE04CA0568   none             4   00:28:25   Number of rows: 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace Information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Namespace                        Node   Avail%   Evictions                 Master                Replica     Repl     Stop             Pending       Disk    Disk     HWM        Mem     Mem    HWM      Stop           .                           .        .           .   (Objects,Tombstones)   (Objects,Tombstones)   Factor   Writes            Migrates       Used   Used%   Disk%       Used   Used%   Mem%   Writes%           .                           .        .           .                      .                      .        .        .             (tx,rx)          .       .       .          .       .      .         .   test        node.local:6000   99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test        node.local:7000   99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test        node.local:8000   99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test        node.local:9000   99         0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )      2        false    (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B    0       50      0.000 B    0       60     90        test                                               0.000     (0.000  ,0.000  )      (0.000  ,0.000  )                        (0.000  ,0.000  )   0.000 B                    0.000 B