No activity detected on VM, aborting (Docker inside Win10 VM) No activity detected on VM, aborting (Docker inside Win10 VM) docker docker

No activity detected on VM, aborting (Docker inside Win10 VM)

Are you running Linux containers on Windows VM or host?

It will not work, as docker need the same kernel on host. In reality all docker container processes will be running in host kernel so need to have same kernel. Run Linux VM on windows and then run docker containers on Linux VM, it will work but you can't run Linux containers on Windows or Windows containers on Linux.

If you use Docker for Windows with Linux containers a Linux VM is used in the background that actually runs the Linux containers.

So what you are doing is called nested virtualization, which has different requirements that you must meet.

In addition, you mix the two hypervisors VMware and Hyper-V, which could also be problematic.

One possible solution or workaround is to directly run a Linux VM in your VMware environment instead of your Windows 10 VM.
