Node.js and Docker- Elastic Beanstalk 502 Bad Gateway Node.js and Docker- Elastic Beanstalk 502 Bad Gateway docker docker

Node.js and Docker- Elastic Beanstalk 502 Bad Gateway

I was able to see that my Application was configured to listen at both ports 80 and 443, although the rules were only redirecting for the port 80 of the instance, even if the request comes from the https protocol. If you would like to configure a End-to-End https, it will be necessary a rule redirecting to the port 443 of the instances.

Previously my Elastic Beanstalk configuration was set like:

Listener      Rules         Process443             443            default80              80             default 

Where the "default" process is redirecting all connections through the port 80 of the instances.

I updated my ElasticBeanstalk Environment to forward the https requests to the port 443 of the instance? Below is an example on how associate the rule with the process:

======== .ebextensions/https-reencrypt-alb.config ========option_settings:  aws:elbv2:listener:443:    DefaultProcess: https    ListenerEnabled: 'true'    Protocol: HTTPS  aws:elasticbeanstalk:environment:process:https:    Port: '443'    Protocol: HTTPS======== .ebextensions/https-reencrypt-alb.config ========

One circumstance that could be causing this issue may be related to your application only listening at the 443 port, once none of the rules of the ALB redirect for this port at the instance, it is reasonable that the access is failing with a Bad Gateway request.

Add this for http to https redirection:

============= http-to-https.config ===============Resources:  AWSEBV2LoadBalancerListener:    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener    Properties:      DefaultActions:        - Type: redirect          RedirectConfig:            Protocol: HTTPS            Port: 443            StatusCode: 'HTTP_301'      LoadBalancerArn:        Ref: AWSEBV2LoadBalancer      Port: 80      Protocol: HTTP============= http-to-https.config ===============