npm install fails in jenkins pipeline in docker npm install fails in jenkins pipeline in docker docker docker

npm install fails in jenkins pipeline in docker

Adding the environments and setting the Home to '.' solves this as below.

pipeline {    agent { docker { image 'node:8.12.0' } }    environment {        HOME = '.'    }    stages {        stage('Clone') {            steps {                git branch: 'master',                    credentialsId: '121231k3jkj2kjkjk',                    url: ''            }        }        stage('Build') {            steps {                sh "npm install"            }        }    }}


docker.image('openjdk:8').inside {    /* One Weird Trick(tm) to allow git(1) to clone inside of a    * container    */    withEnv([        /* Override the npm cache directory to avoid: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.npm' */        'npm_config_cache=npm-cache',        /* set home to our current directory because other bower        * nonsense breaks with HOME=/, e.g.:        * EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/.config'        */        'HOME=.',    ]) {            // your code    }}

Having wasted a whole day on this issue, I found simply adding the following as an environment variable at the agent stage using the Pipeline Editor removed the problem.
