Nuget command fails in docker file but not when run manually Nuget command fails in docker file but not when run manually docker docker

Nuget command fails in docker file but not when run manually

I tried it and got it working like this:

If you change the content of your Dockerfile like this:

FROM sixeyed/msbuild:netfx-4.5.2-webdeploy AS build-agentSHELL ["powershell"]RUN ["nuget", "sources" , "Add", "-Name", "\"Common Source\"", "-Source" ,"http://CompanyPackages/nuget/common"]

And when you then run docker build -t yourImageName .

You end up with this:

Sending build context to Docker daemon  2.048kBStep 1/3 : FROM sixeyed/msbuild:netfx-4.5.2-webdeploy AS build-agent ---> 0851a5b495a3Step 2/3 : SHELL ["powershell"] ---> Running in 10082a1c45f8Removing intermediate container 10082a1c45f8 ---> c00b912c6a8fStep 3/3 : RUN ["nuget", "sources" , "Add", "-Name", "\"Common Source\"", "-Source" ,"http://CompanyPackages/nuget/common"] ---> Running in 797b6c055928Package Source with Name: "Common Source" added successfully.Removing intermediate container 797b6c055928 ---> 592db3be9f8bSuccessfully built 592db3be9f8bSuccessfully tagged nuget-tester:latest