Open Containers in Remote SSH Hosts using VSCode Open Containers in Remote SSH Hosts using VSCode docker docker

Open Containers in Remote SSH Hosts using VSCode

So you want to open a folder inside a container in a remote SSH server. Following are the steps through which I achieved it.

Step 1

install Remote Development extension in VSCode and open its control panel

enter image description here

Step 2

Connect VSCode to remote SSH server

enter image description here

Step 3

Upon connecting you'll notice a green tick sign, means you are connected to remote server, now select Containers from Remote Explorer dropdown. You'll see a list of containers. If you don't see the list of container or if you see list of local containers then follow along, otherwise move to Step 4.

enter image description here

Step 3.1

Add new context to your docker by executing following commands in terminal.

$ docker context create my-remote-docker-machine --docker "host=ssh://username@host:port"

$ docker context ls

$ docker context use my-remote-docker-machine

Step 3.2

$ docker ps -a

You'll notice that above command lists all the containers from remote server now (its because of the context which you just added)

Lets come back to VScode now, click on Docker from side bar menu, You'll notice a warning Failed to connect. Is Docker Running? know more about this bug

enter image description here


Verify that Docker extension is installed on the remote machine. As ofFebruary 2020 there is a bug in VS Code that prevents the Dockerextension to be installed remotely if it is already installed locally.This bug is scheduled to be fixed in VS Code 1.43 release. Aworkaround to get the extension installed remotely is described here.

  • Uninstall Docker extension from VS Code. Close all VS Code windows.
  • Start VS Code again. Use `Remote-SSH: Connect to Host..' to connect to remote machine.
  • Open extension marketplace and install Docker extension on the remote machine (see screenshot below)

enter image description here

  • Once the Docker extension is installed remotely, it can also be installed locally.

Step 4

From the containers list select the target container which you want your VSCode to connect to.

enter image description here

Step 5

Vala! VSCode is connected to the container inside remote server, you can click on Explorer and select any folder/directory inside container and start working in that directory.

enter image description here