Pass flag to cAdvisor with docker Pass flag to cAdvisor with docker docker docker

Pass flag to cAdvisor with docker

The google/cadvisor container behaves like the binary itself, therefore you can just append the option to the end of the docker run ... command.You would also like to add the --net host option to your docker run command as noted here:

sudo docker run \  --volume=/:/rootfs:ro \  --volume=/var/run:/var/run:ro \  --volume=/sys:/sys:ro \  --volume=/var/lib/docker/:/var/lib/docker:ro \  --volume=/dev/disk/:/dev/disk:ro \  --publish=8080:8080 \  --detach=true \  --net host \  --name=cadvisor \  google/cadvisor:latest \    --enable_load_reader=true