PHP: Get Container ID in Docker Container PHP: Get Container ID in Docker Container docker docker

PHP: Get Container ID in Docker Container

You can use get_env() to get environment variables of the system.

if after running echo $DOCKER_CID in the CLI you get the ID you can then use this code in your PHP:

$docker_cid = getenv('DOCKER_CID'); 

Everyone's answers combined means that after running the following command in the cotainer:

DOCKER_CID=$(cat /proc/1/cpuset | cut -c9-)

You are able to get the id using:

$docker_cid = getenv('DOCKER_CID'); 

If you don't know how to run that command in a container, here are some options:

  • Run it using: docker exec -it <containerId> /bin/bash
  • Make a PHP script: exec('DOCKER_CID=$(cat /proc/1/cpuset | cut -c9-)'); (I don't recommend that, but if someone uses this, make sure it's secure.)

Credits to Marcin, who already answered it, but maybe not clear enough.