"prefer-ip-address" of Eureka client not work in docker container "prefer-ip-address" of Eureka client not work in docker container docker docker

"prefer-ip-address" of Eureka client not work in docker container

I'm using the same version of spring-boot and have a similar problem

But I think you are confusing IP address with the instance ID.

See this link: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/1646#issuecomment-275121055

When you hover the mouse over the link or click on it, does it show the right IP-Address?

Anyway, I have two applications, one using spring-boot 1.5 where this property works.

With the 2.0 version the application always use the machine IP, instead what I informed in the eureka.instance.ip-address.

Edit > I reported a bug here: https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-netflix/issues/2878

Give this in your spring service

spring:  application:    name: uaa-service  cloud:    inetutils:      ignored-interfaces:        - eth0        - eth1        - eth2        - eth3        - lo

Taken from this