Production ENV file with docker/build-push-action and GitHub Actions Production ENV file with docker/build-push-action and GitHub Actions docker docker

Production ENV file with docker/build-push-action and GitHub Actions

This is what I came up with.


...ARG ARG_ENV_SECRETARG ARG_ENV_SECRET_1COPY ./ ./RUN ./ This script creates the .env FILE

#!/bin/shtouch .env{  printf "ENV_SECRET=%sENV_SECRET_1=%s" "$ARG_ENV_SECRET" "ARG_ENV_SECRET_1"} >> .env

docker-action.yml  build:    runs-on: ubuntu-latest    steps:      - name: Build, tag, and push the image to Amazon ECR        id: build-image        env:          ENV_SECRET: ${{ secrets.ENV_SECRET }} #naming used below          ENV_SECRET_1: ${{ secrets.ENV_SECRET_1 }}        run: |          docker \            --build-arg ARG_ENV_SECRET=$ENV_SECRET #name declared above           --build-arg ARG_ENV_SECRET_1=$ENV_SECRET_1          build ....

I'm pretty sure this is not the best route but it's worked for us since we use a third party to run our AWS services. A better approach would be to use AWS secrets when starting the instance. You can read more about it here.