Rabbitmq connection refused from Docker container to local host Rabbitmq connection refused from Docker container to local host docker docker

Rabbitmq connection refused from Docker container to local host

for me this works fine!

I have been installed the image docker pull rabbitmq:3-management

and run

docker run -d --hostname haroldjcastillo --name rabbit-server -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=admin -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=admin2017 -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

the most important is to add the connection and management ports -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672

See you host in docker

docker-machine ip

return in my case:

Go to management

For Spring Boot you can configure this or works good for another connections


Best wishes

For anyone else searching for this error, I'm using spring boot and rabbitmq in docker container, starting them with docker compose. I kept getting org.springframework.amqp.AmqpConnectException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused from the spring app.

The rabbitmq hostname was incorrect. To fix this, I'm using the container names in the spring app configuration. Either put spring.rabbitmq.host=my-rabbit in spring's application.properties (or yml file), or in docker-compose.yaml add environment: SPRING_RABBITMQ_HOST: my-rabbit to the spring service. Of course, "my-rabbit" is the rabbitmq container name described in the docker-compose.yaml

I am using docker with linux container with rabbitmq:3-management and have created a dotnet core based web api. While calling from We API action method I faced the same issue and changed the value to "host.docker.internal"

following scenario worked for me

  1. "localhost" on IIS Express
  2. "localhost" on Docker build from Visual Studio
  3. "host.docker.internal" on Docker build from Visual Studio

"Messaging": {"Hostname": "host.docker.internal","OrderQueue": "ProductQueue","UserName": "someuser","Password": "somepassword" },

But facing the same issue when, the container created via docker build command, but not when container created using Visual Studio F5 command.

Now find the solution there are two ways to do it:

by default all the containers get added into "bridge" network go through with these steps

Case1: If you have already containers (rabbitmq and api) in the dockerand running then first check their ip / hostname

  1. docker network ls
  2. docker network inspect bridge # from this step you'll get to know what containers are associated with this
  3. find the rabbitmq container and internal IP, apply this container name or IP and then run your application it will work from Visual Studio and Docker build and run command

Case2: if you have no containers running then you may like to createyour network in docker then follow these steps:

  1. docker network create givenetworknamehere
  2. add your container while using "docker run" command or after
    Step2.1: if using docker run command for your container then;
    docker run --network givenetworknamehere -d -p yourport:80 --name givecontainername giveyourimagename
    Step2.2 if adding newly created network after container creation then use belowcommand docker network connect givenetworknamehere givecontainername

with these step you bring your container in your newly created same network and they can communicate.

Note: by default "bridge" network type get created