React Webpack not rebuilding when edited file outside docker container (on mac) React Webpack not rebuilding when edited file outside docker container (on mac) docker docker

React Webpack not rebuilding when edited file outside docker container (on mac)

In my case enabling this environment variable resolved it:


Just this setting, no installation was necessary. The Chokidar docs state that it helps to watch files over a network. As it seems, this also can be helpful for docker volumes.

PS: The CPU load was quite high, so I sadly also had to reduce the interval of checks by setting CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL=1000.

You can set this variable in the docker-compose.yml file …

    environment:      - CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true

… or in a Dockerfile


… or via command line by something like:

docker run -e CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING=true my-app

I figured it out myself.It was webpack configuration that was prevented an edit from outside the container to trigger a rebuild and restart.The trick being (and apparently this is a legacy option)

watchOptions {  poll: 100}

NOTE: using poll:1000 resulted in it only refreshing every other edit. Using 100 works every edit. not sure why.

So for my backend API I am running node/expressjs. Here I needed to install and run webpack and nodemon. (nodemon needed the -L option to work while editing outside of the container).

My frontend is created using create-react-app where none of the webpack configuration is exposed. I had to run

npm run eject

to expose the webpack configuration (which I edited the config/webpackDevServer.config.js file).

Now, using eject is frowned upon because "you can't go back"...but since I'm using a docker container and using create-react-app/eject when I build the container - I have effectively saved myself from this undesirable situation. (although I may have to fix my docker file if anything changes on me).

All these edits can be found in my docker files here

You should link your host's folder containing your application files to the container using Volumes. Even better would be to use Docker-Compose since you're using multiple containers.

Docker containers are purely meant to run code, not edit it. You really shouldn't be using an editor inside of a container.

I do think however that your current application structure is incorrect. Your API should provide data that your frontend retrieves and displays. Currently your backend code only functions as a router for your frontend application, but instead you should use a client-side router and build a RESTFUL JSON-sending API. Then from your clientside javascript you can do fetch calls to your API, which should res.send some JSON.