Reading in environment variables from an environment file Reading in environment variables from an environment file docker docker

Reading in environment variables from an environment file

I use Python Dotenv Library. Just install the library pip install python-dotenv, create a .env file with your environment variables, and import the environment variables in your code like this:

import osfrom dotenv import load_dotenvload_dotenv()MY_ENV_VAR = os.getenv('MY_ENV_VAR')

From the .env file:

MY_ENV_VAR="This is my env var content."

This is the way I do when I need to test code outside my docker system and prepare it to return it into docker again.

You can use ConfigParser. Sample example can be found here.

But this library expects your key=value data to be present under some [heading]. For example, like:

[mysqld]user = mysql  # Key with valuespid-file = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pidskip-external-lockingold_passwords = 1skip-bdb      # Key without valueskip-innodb

This could also work for you:

env_vars = []with open(env_file) as f:    for line in f:        if line.startswith('#') or not line.strip():            continue        # if 'export' not in line:        #     continue        # Remove leading `export `, if you have those        # then, split name / value pair        # key, value = line.replace('export ', '', 1).strip().split('=', 1)        key, value = line.strip().split('=', 1)        # os.environ[key] = value  # Load to local environ        env_vars.append({'name': key, 'value': value}) # Save to a listprint(env_vars);

In the comments you'll find a few different ways to save the env vars and also a few parsing options i.e. to get rid of leading export keyword. Another way would be to use the python-dotenv library. Cheers.