Redirect DNS to different port with traefik Redirect DNS to different port with traefik docker docker

Redirect DNS to different port with traefik

I've done something similar, and it would look this on your setup


service:  traefik:    labels:         - "treafik.port=8080"         - "traefik.enable=true"         - "traefik.backend=traefik"         - ""         - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:traefik.${DOMAIN}"         - "traefik.webservice.frontend.entryPoints=https"  zabbix-web-apache-mysql:    labels:           - "traefik.port=80"          - "traefik.enable=true"          - "traefik.backend=zabbix-web"          - "traefik.passHostHeader=true"          - ""          - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:zabbix.${DOMAIN}"  grafana:        labels:          - "traefik.port=3000"         - "traefik.enable=true"         - "traefik.backend=grafana"         - "traefik.passHostHeader=true"         - ""         - "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:grafana.${DOMAIN}"

and the way my traefik.toml is configured

InsecureSkipVerify = true ## This is optional ## Force HTTPS[entryPoints]  [entryPoints.http]    passHostHeader = true    address = ":80"      [entryPoints.http.forwardedHeaders]        insecure = true      [entryPoints.http.proxyProtocol]        insecure = true       ## This seems to be an absolute requirement for redirect        ## ...but it redirects every request to https      [entryPoints.http.redirect]         entryPoint = "https"  [entryPoints.traefik]    address = ":8080"      [entryPoints.traefik.auth.basic]        # the "user" password is the MD5 encrpytion of the word "pass"        users = ["user:$apr1$.LWU4fEi$4YipxeuXs5T0xulH3S7Kb."]   [entryPoints.https]    passHostHeader = true    address = ":443"      [entryPoints.https.tls] ## This seems to be an absolute requirement      [entryPoints.https.forwardedHeaders]        insecure = true      [entryPoints.https.proxyProtocol]        insecure = true