Remote debug container in kubernetes using intellij Remote debug container in kubernetes using intellij docker docker

Remote debug container in kubernetes using intellij

As an alternative to using a NodePort in a Service you could also use kubectl port-forward to access the debug port in your Pod.

kubectl port-forward allows using resource name, such as a pod name, to select a matching pod to port forward to since Kubernetes v1.10.

You need to expose the debug port in the Deployment yaml for the Pod

spec:  containers:    ...    ports:      ...      - containerPort: 5005

Then get the name of your Pod via

kubectl get pods

and then add a port-forwarding to that Pod

kubectl port-forward podname 5005:5005

In IntelliJ you will be able to connect to

Host: localhost

Port: 5005

Alternatively, you can use the Cloud Code Intellij plugin.Also, if you use Fabric8, it provides the fabric8:debug goal.

There was a slip in the yaml you first posted as:

    - containerPort: 5050      name: debug

Should be:

    - containerPort: 5005      name: debug

You also need to use the external port of 32003 when configuring the IntelliJ debugger. With those changes it should work.

You may also want to think about how to make it more flexible. In the past when I've done this I've used a different form for the docker start command that allows you to turn remote debug on and off by an environment variable called REMOTE_DEBUG, which for you would be:

CMD if [ "x$REMOTE_DEBUG" = "xfalse" ] ; then java $JAVA_OPTS -jar catalogservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ; else java $JAVA_OPTS -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=5005,server=y,suspend=n -jar catalogservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar ; fi

You'll probably find you want to set the env var $JAVA_OPTS to limit jvm memory use to avoid issues in k8s.