Robot Framework using Python 3.6.8 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS docker container Robot Framework using Python 3.6.8 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS docker container docker docker

Robot Framework using Python 3.6.8 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS docker container

I still have not been able to get this to work with the ChromeDriver direct, however, I was able to get this to work using selenium grid:

I started a Hub (in a container) and then a node directly on the container running the test and it worked. I'm still working on building the container that runs the node (it's not working as a separate container though...I must need to add some configurations). Below is the robot framework test suite using a remote chrome driver:

*** Settings ***Documentation...    This is a simple robot test to open a browser and check the title of a given website.Library    CollectionsLibrary    DateTimeLibrary    DialogsLibrary    OperatingSystemLibrary    SeleniumLibraryLibrary    StringLibrary    RequestsLibrarySuite Setup    Setup Environment and Open BrowserSuite Teardown    Close All Browsers*** Variables ***${BROWSER}      HeadlessChrome${SITE_URL}*** Test Cases ***Title Test    Title Should Be    Google*** Keywords ***Open Chrome Browser To URL    [Documentation]    Open Chrome browser and navigate to URL with browser options set    [Tags]  open_chrome_browser    ${chromeOptions}    Evaluate    sys.modules['selenium.webdriver'].ChromeOptions()    sys, selenium.webdriver    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    --headless    ${ws}=    Set Variable    window-size=1920, 1080    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    ${ws}    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    --disable-extensions    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    --disable-gpu    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    --disable-dev-shm-usage    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    add_argument    --ignore-certificate-errors    ${remoteOptions}=    Call Method    ${chromeOptions}    to_capabilities    Create Webdriver    Remote   command_executor=http://<IP ADDR OF HUB>:4444/wd/hub    desired_capabilities=${remoteOptions}    Go To    ${SITE_URL}    Maximize Browser WindowBrowser timeout and speed    [Documentation]    ...    Set browser timeout and speed    Set Selenium Timeout   30s    Set Selenium Speed   0sSetup Environment and Open Browser    [Documentation]    ...    This keyword will establish the environment variables and open a browser    [Tags]    simple_test    Open Chrome Browser To URL    Browser timeout and speed

Now to figure out how to run the node in a container...