Rootless dind running in a kubernetes slave, 'docker run' fails Rootless dind running in a kubernetes slave, 'docker run' fails docker docker

Rootless dind running in a kubernetes slave, 'docker run' fails

I was able to resolve the issue by using a different default runtime for docker.

#update default runtimeRUN wget -O crun \&& cp crun /usr/local/bin \&& chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/crun \&& chown -R rootless:rootless /usr/local/bin/crun

the service is then started with supervisor, config file shown:

[program:docker]command=/home/rootless/bin/ --experimental --default- runtime crun --add-runtime crun=/usr/local/bin/crun --storage-driver vfsautorestart=trueuser=rootless

detailed discussion here: