RSelenium RemoteDriver not connecting to port 4445L RSelenium RemoteDriver not connecting to port 4445L docker docker

RSelenium RemoteDriver not connecting to port 4445L

Set the connection parameters correctly for the operating system you are using and the browser. If the image is based on chrome browser and the default configuration of the driver is firefox.

To change this you will need to add the browserName = "chrome". I suggest to always add the server's IP address for clarity so, add remoteServerAddr = <<server IP>>

The way to find out what are the default parameters for the driver is to inspect the instantiated remote driver remDr will show you what is the default configuration for the driver.

>remDr$remoteServerAddr[1] "localhost"$port[1] 4445$browserName[1] "firefox"$version[1] ""$platform[1] "ANY"$javascript[1] TRUE$nativeEvents[1] TRUE$extraCapabilitieslist()

So after setting the correct parameter, I was able to connect to the RSelenum on the exposed port.

library(RSelenium)> remDr <- remoteDriver(+   remoteServerAddr = "localhost",+   port = 4445L,+   browserName = "chrome")> remDr$open()[1] "Connecting to remote server"$acceptInsecureCerts[1] FALSE$browserName[1] "chrome"$browserVersion[1] "88.0.4324.150"$chrome$chrome$chromedriverVersion[1] "88.0.4324.96 (68dba2d8a0b149a1d3afac56fa74648032bcf46b-refs/branch-heads/4324@{#1784})"$chrome$userDataDir[1] "/tmp/"$`goog:chromeOptions`$`goog:chromeOptions`$debuggerAddress[1] "localhost:36841"$networkConnectionEnabled[1] FALSE$pageLoadStrategy[1] "normal"$platformName[1] "linux"$proxynamed list()$`se:options`$`se:options`$cdp[1] ""$setWindowRect[1] TRUE$strictFileInteractability[1] FALSE$timeouts$timeouts$implicit[1] 0$timeouts$pageLoad[1] 300000$timeouts$script[1] 30000$unhandledPromptBehavior[1] "dismiss and notify"$`webauthn:extension:largeBlob`[1] TRUE$`webauthn:virtualAuthenticators`[1] TRUE$id[1] "eaed604c5fae33476755e4ba3e1c1d9e"