Run webpack build during docker-compose build process Run webpack build during docker-compose build process docker docker

Run webpack build during docker-compose build process

Please use

RUN bash -l -c 'npm run build-production'

instead of your

RUN npm run build-production  # <<< Fails here

this should help

The problem could be that build-production requires a devDependencies, which are not being installed.

A great way to keep your production images small is to use a tool like dobi. It makes it easy to run the build tasks in a dev container, then pack everything into a production image, all with a single command.

Below is an example dobi.yaml that might work for you.

meta:  project: some-project-nameimage=builder:  image: myproject-dev  context: dockerfiles/  dockerfile: Dockerfile.buildimage=production:  image: user/prod-image-name  context: .  depends: [build]mount=source:  bind: .  path: /coderun=build:  use: builder  mounts: [source]  command: "npm run build-production"  artifact: path/to/minified/assets

Running dobi production will run any of the tasks that are stale. If none of the source files have changed the tasks are skipped. The depends: [build] ensures that the build step always runs first.