Running a ubuntu container in background using docker compose Running a ubuntu container in background using docker compose docker docker

Running a ubuntu container in background using docker compose

This is normal.

You are starting an ubuntu container with bash as the command (thus the root process). The thing is to keep bash alive you need to attach it with a terminal. This is why when you want to get a bash in a container, you're using -ti with your command :

docker container exec -ti [my_container_id] bash

So if you want to keep your ubuntu container alive and don't want to attach it to a terminal, you'll have to use a process that will stay alive for as long as you want.
Below is an example with sleep infinity as your main process

version: "3"services:  ubuntu:    container_name: ubuntu    image: ubuntu    restart: on-failure    command: ["sleep","infinity"]

With this example, you container will stay running indefinitely.