Running celery worker + beat in the same container Running celery worker + beat in the same container docker docker

Running celery worker + beat in the same container

docker run only one CMD, so only the first CMD get executed, the work around is to create a bash script that execute both worker and beat and use the docker CMD to execute this script

You can use celery beatX for beat. It is allowed (and recommended) to have multiple beatX instances. They use locks to synchronize.

Cannot say if it is production-ready, but it works for me like a charm (with -B key)

I got by putting in the entrypoint as explained above, plus I added the &> to have the output in a log file.


#!/bin/bashpython3 migratepython3 migrate catalog --database=catalogpython collectstatic --clear --noinput --verbosity 0# Start Celery Workerscelery worker --workdir /app --app dri -l info &> /log/celery.log  &# Start Celery Beatcelery worker --workdir /app --app dri -l info --beat &> /log/celery_beat.log  &python3 runserver