Running GUI from a container on a mac resolve in "libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found" Running GUI from a container on a mac resolve in "libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found" docker docker

Running GUI from a container on a mac resolve in "libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found"

If your container is attempting to run Chrome in the script then you can use Chrome's SwiftShader software renderer - which works with XQuartz 2.7.11:

chromium-browser --use-gl=swiftshader

I am having the same issue running SUMO simulation GUI out of a docker container in MacOS.

As a temporary solution or workaround, what worked for me was to downgrade XQuartz Version to 2.7.8, as also suggested in

I am still getting the error but the GUI does work.

I have downgraded Xquartz to version 2.7.8 but my app opens like black window and instantly closes. Logs of this container contain the same problem:

libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals foundlibGL error: failed to load driver: swrast...QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed:QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(matrix): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(opacity): shader program is not linkedQOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader programQOpenGLShader: could not create shaderQOpenGLShader: could not create shadershader compilation failed: ""QOpenGLShaderProgram::uniformLocation(qt_Matrix): shader program is not linked